Dec 16, 2010

"Why is it that people will take the word of a blowhard as law?"

Rachel Maddow was on David Letterman last night, but that's not the best part. The best part are these lines from Letterman:

"For a long time it was am I thinking of? Oh, Rush Limbaugh....He really is the prototypical radio blowhard. And then, and then you get Bill O'Reilly. Not fat, tall, seems to be fairly fit, he also is a blowhard. And then you get Glenn Beck, who is kind of a loony, but also a blowhard....And I think they will tell you that they have a little blowhard in 'em. But why is it that people will take the word of a blowhard as law, when a reasonable discussion with facts falls on deaf ears?"

Go to minute 3:00 to see the clip.

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